Friday, April 17, 2009

Voicethread on Beetles

We worked on our voicethread for a couple of days and we finally finished it. The kids had a great time recording their voices and hearing themselves.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What we have done so far.....

On Monday, the student teachers Delmy and Jessica helped us complete our KWL charts, which included what we already know about beetles, what we want to know and what we have learned.

Today we posted a blog about what we have learned about the beetle. Jessica, the student teacher guided us. Delmy helped us find a website with pictures of the beetle.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beetle Research Project

So far, group 9 has researched a little bit of information on the beetle and completed aKWL Chart.

Some Facts:
1. Some beetles are nocturnal.
2. A beetle's egg is 2mm long by 9mm wide.
3. Both the adult and the larvae are scavengers that eat grains.
4. A mealworm is NOT a worm.

Some Photos: Here is a great website on beetles. Beetles in America

Other Questions we have: What is a life cycle?
Que es un ciclo de vida?

How animals change throughout their lives?
Como cambian los animales durante su vida?

What is the life cycle of a beetle?
Que es el ciclo de vida de un beetle?